
There has never been a more exciting time to be in the business. The Internet has afforded an incredible platform for creative expression. With all the technological changes, however, nothing has changed. The fundamentals still apply: Bad ideas still fail to connect with audiences. Great ideas always connect—no matter the media.

I’ve had a long and rewarding career in advertising and though I’ve shifted my focus into writing and design, I still enjoy solving tough marketing problems. Over the following pages, you'll see some campaigns that have had great success over the years: The highlights, award winners, business school cases, and pitch ideas. Some have been imitated, spoofed, and outright copied. All of them simply did what they were supposed to do: persuade people to act.

The legendary Jay Chiat and Lee Clow: Two of my mentors and the bio photos I had the pleasure of art directing.

Photos by Roxy Rifkin

Advertising Bio

Mike maintains a rare combination of talents that are matched by few in the industry. He’s a proven art director, graphic designer, copywriter, and novelist. Not only is he a skilled marketing storyteller, his ability to weave a tale as a contemporary fiction writer has earned him outstanding reviews.

With mentors like industry icons Jay Chiat, Lee Clow, Hal Riney, Jeff Goodby, Rich Silverstein, and the pioneer of Southeast Asian graphic design, Henry Steiner, Mike has learned a thing or two: primarily, that good enough is not enough. It’s a philosophy forever entwined in his creative DNA. Perhaps that why he’s been honored as National Creative All-Star, by Adweek, profiled by Creativity and AdAsia, and won every major creative award many times over. He has been a contributor to Communication Arts and lectured throughout the country and abroad, most notably for The One Club at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China. You can also find his work in the Permanent Collection of the Library of Congress, and in industry publications worldwide.

Name a category, and he’s probably worked in it, from seven car brands including Lexus, Nissan, and Ford, to technology companies, hp, Salesforce, and Texas Instruments. His experience also extends to Asics, Eveready, Motel 6, Petco, Polaroid, Pizza Hut, Häagen-Dazs, Sprint, Starbucks as well as Commonwealth Bank of Australia in financial services.

Whether it’s an immersive digital experience for a bank Down Under, a new visual identity for a Fortune 500 tech company, a mesmerizing video that blows up on social media, or an ad campaign that finds its way into the public consciousness, his work, simply put—works.

His bestselling surf novel That Crazy Perfect Someday is now at bookstores everywhere.